If you are starting a business, you will require a very strong team. As the future of your start-up lies on the team who will be executing your idea. You should focus on people who share the same passion, same mindset, same work ethics, same commitment and much more. As it’s very correctly said by Mr. Zig Ziglar that “You don’t build a business, you build people and then people build the business.”
The most important members of your team are founders. They define or set up the work culture of the start-up for years. The initial team for e.g. 5-7 people including founders carve your start-up culture which will be foundation of your venture. The people you choose to work with have ability to make or break the business.
Firstly, you have to identify the skills required in your business. Based on which you will choose your team members. It’s not all about technical skills, soft skills also plays very vital role. Always remember for start-ups you may not require the highly qualified MBAs or people who have worked in Big MNCs, you need people who already have experience of any start-ups or who are not process driven, who have out of the box thinking approach. As in case of the start-ups there are lots of uncertainty and ambiguity. They should have ability to come up with innovative and creative solutions. You have to build a team which is capable of accomplishing things and executing and transforming the idea into reality. Build a team who can handle the challenges whatever comes in their way.
No matter how competent people you hire, you should train them continuously. Always listen to your team, this way you can understand their ideology and guide them effectively. If you will just delegate the work and don’t guide them then you will reflect the repercussions in the results itself.
You should understand the entire process of your business and make sure your team does too in the same way. You have to set a defined goal for your team and each member should have focus on achieving the same. You should always keep your words. Establish a culture of trust, reliability and punctuality on which every organisation flourish. If as a founder you underperform or under deliver then it creates wrong impression on your team.
In conclusion, I would say “Great things in business are never done by one person- Steve Jobs” . Remember a great Company requires a great team and you have to put lots of effort and hard wok in creating a good team. You have to inspire them, motivate them and adjust as per the requirement of situation. This will take your venture long miles in to the road of success.
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