Have you ever thought about it, why u like a particular song or a book or for that matter movie? Yes, It’s the connection or experience which you associate with it. Your favorite song is your favorite because you associate an emotional connect with them. Communication is all about building a connection with the people.
“Communication- the human connection- is the key to personal and professional success”- Paul J. Meyer.
Communication plays a very vital role in personal as well as professional world. Be it business etiquette, cross-cultural consulting or even presentation skills. Soft skills play a very important role in all of this. Generally, we have a habit of speaking too fast and too loudly, as we never pay attention to our tone and volume which is equally important.
Although in a corporate culture communication is important but most organizations take IQ (Intelligent Quotient)- related tests and ignore EQ (Emotional Quotient). For building and creating leaders Emotional Quotient is equally important. As a manager or leader, you spend most of your time dealing with people, so you should be aware of how you can communicate with them effectively. Mostly 85% of the communication will be non-verbal like your postures, gestures, body language, etc. This set of skills requires both experience and knowledge. All new skills take time to refine, however, with effort and practice you can develop good, even exceptional, communication skills. From your experience, you will be able to judge how to deal with your subordinates and your bosses. You should be more responsible for the way you deal with your subordinates as they see how you are behaving with your subordinates and superiors.
In corporate culture, the boss is often the most difficult person to deal with. To deal with this situation ideal scenario is to listen more than you talk. As we have two ears and one mouth, which indicates you should listen more than you talk. If in a conversation you didn’t understand anything then it’s better to ask. Rather than pretending you were listening.
“To talk well and eloquently is very great art, but that an equally great one is to know the right moment to stop.” Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
As rightly said in the above quote, you should also know when to cut down the conversation positively. When you know this topic can lead to chaos then handle it with more efficiently. As always rightly said silence is a powerful communication tool.
The bottom line is that good communication isn’t just about being able to present information and ideas accurately and concisely. It’s about mitigating conflict and creating a more positive team environment.
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